12. Quiz: Goals and Rewards
Quiz: Goals and Rewards
So far, you've seen one example for how to frame an agent's goal as the maximization of expected cumulative reward. In this quiz, you will investigate several more examples.
Escape the Maze
- The reward is -1 for every time step that the agent spends inside the maze. Once the agent escapes, the episode terminates.
- The reward is -1 for every time step that the agent spends inside the maze. Once the agent escapes, it receives a reward of +10, and the episode terminates.
- The agent receives a reward only at the end of the game, and receives a reward of +1 if it wins, -1 if it loses, and 0 if the game is a draw.
- The agent receives a reward only at the end of the game, and receives a reward of +10 if it wins, -10 if it loses, and 0 if the game is a draw.
- The reward is +1 for every time step that the agent keeps the plate balanced on her head. If the plate falls, the episode terminates.